Saturday, June 5, 2010

Our world has again been blessed...Mom's gypsy mare gave birth to a beautiful filly tonight, black as night with a white star, another bright spot in our lives :) There's nothing quite like a newborn foal, the first wobbly steps and little baby nickers...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

What am I blessed with?
God, who loves me enough to fill my life
with two fantastic sons,
and black horses......


We are now doubly blessed with two beautiful friesian mares. Rynke fan Ferwalde now shares our green pastures with Stella.
I think Stella is happy to have another of her kind here, she and Rynke are very peaceful together. Our lives have been so enriched through these wonderful horses. So now I have many costumes to make before the renaissance fair in August, both the girls will be there....we'll all feel as though we're back home for a couple of days......